The 25th Hour
ISBN: 978-3-906739-37-3
Systematik: R 82
Verlag: Zürich : KaMeRu Verlag
Erscheinungsjahr: 2015
R 82
ik, Katarina:
The 25th Hour / Katarina Madov
ik ; Ruben M. Mullis. Englisch von Michaela Fisnar und Johnny Keggler. - Zürich : KaMeRu Verlag, 2015. - 237 Seiten
NE: Madov
ik, Katarina ; Ruben M. Mullis
ISBN 978-3-906739-37-3 kartoniert
Nikita A. Morozov, Chief Inspector of the Moscow militia, is a cynical loner. In private life failed, disappointed with the new Russia, overwhelmed by the increasing crime, the vodka is his best friend. Investigating cases of murder of young women would be routine for him. But the latest victim is the daughter of a high-ranking general. When the KGB interferes with his investigation, Morozov suspects, that it is about more than just a series of murders.