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Mo, 30. September 2024

Mo, 30. September 2024

Schrift: kleiner | größer

The beginning of survival

 von Joni Mitchell

Systematik: TM 712
Verlag: Santa Monica, Calif. : Geffen
Erscheinungsjahr: 2004
Katalogkarte (ausblenden) :
TM 712
Mitchell, Joni:
The beginning of survival / Joni Mitchell. - Santa Monica, Calif. : Geffen, 2004. - 1 CD. - 1 Beilage

EUR 17,99

Enth.: The reoccurring dream. The windfall (everything for nothing). Slouching towards Bethlehem. Dog eat dog. Fiction. The beat of black wings. No apologies. Sex kills. The three great stimulants. Lakota. Ethopia. Cool water. Tax free. The Magdalene laundries. Passion play (the story of Jesus and Zachius ... the little tax collector). Impossible dreamer.