Moreorless jazz three

Verlag: Hamburg : California Sunset Records
Erscheinungsjahr: 2006
TM 541
Moreorless jazz three / [Interpreten: Rosa Passos ; Viktoria Tolstoy ; Udo Schild ; Matthias Vogt Trio feat. Roger Cicero ; Jeff Cascaro ...]. - Hamburg : California Sunset Records, 2006. - 1 CD. - 1 Beilage. - (Moreorless jazz ; 3)
EUR 14,99
Geschmackvoller, relaxter Swing- und Chillout-Jazz mit Mario Victoria Tolstoy, Anna Maria Jopek, Kitty Hoff, Roger Cicero u.a.
Enth.: Wave. Upside out. Let there be you. Autumn in June. Yours. Outra vez. The look into your eyes. Slow dancin'. Waiting. You still don't know me. Don't speak. Weisst du noch. Losing my religion. After the rain. Cocaine Lil and Morphine Sue.