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Sa, 15. März 2025

Sa, 15. März 2025

Schrift: kleiner | größer

A conjuring of light

A conjuring of light

 von V. E. Schwab

ISBN: 9781785652448
Systematik: R 82
Verlag: London : Titan books
Erscheinungsjahr: 2017
Katalogkarte (ausblenden) :
R 82
Schwab, V. E.:
A conjuring of light / V. E. Schwab. - London : Titan books, 2017. - 667 Seiten. - (A darker shade of magic ; 3)

ISBN 9781785652448 kartoniert


The precarious equilibrium among the four Londons has reached its breaking point. Once brimming with the red vivacity of magic, darkness casts a shadow over the Maresh Empire, leaving a space for another London to rise. Kell begins to waver under the pressure of competing loyalties. Meanwhile, an ancient enemy returns to claim a crown and a fallen hero is desperate to save a decaying world&