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Sa, 15. März 2025

Sa, 15. März 2025

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10 steps to publish & succeed

10 steps to publish & succeed

 von Jill Ronsley

ISBN: 9780973995237
Systematik: H 015
Verlag: BookBaby
Erscheinungsjahr: 2014
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H 015
Ronsley, Jill:
10 steps to publish & succeed [Elektronische Ressource] : how to put your best book forward / Jill Ronsley. - 1. Auflage. - Cork : BookBaby, 2014, Online Ressource (3120 KB, 138 S.)

ISBN 9780973995237 (electronic)

F 422
1st Place! Writer's Digest 22nd Annual Self-Published Book Awards, 2014 "10 Steps to Publish Succeed" shows you not only WHAT you need to know, but also WHY and HOW to do it. A comprehensive no-fluff guide to help writers, self-publishers and small presses navigate the paths and avoid the pitfalls of print and e-book publishing. This book is organized and formatted to help you find the information you need at a glance, with short tips and relevant anecdotes that round out the reading experience. Benefit from cutting-edge ideas, proven advice and clear dos and don'ts to put your best book forward and realize your publishing dreams. Perfect Your Book - Publishing Basics - Editing Proofreading Interior Design - Typesetting - Cover Design - Photos & Illustrations - Publish -Publicize - Print-on-Demand, Offset Printing - E-books - Marketing & Promotion - Selling Online & Offline - Reviews, Contests & Awards